Typing away at this newsletter, I am sitting at my living-room table, aware that the resident boomslang (snake) is perched on the pergola outside – studiously observing me. There is a level of wildness about my lifestyle here on the farm – for which I am grateful amidst the sameness of lockdown.
I am reflecting on the past year, because it is against the contemplative backdrop to the pandemic that my latest paintings have been created. The title of this series, Soul Food/Hartskos, refers to our heart-centered search for clarity amidst a new reality:
· Where everything seems TRANSIENT
· Where we have to re-consider what we deeply CHERISH
· Where we have to practise INNER CONTAINMENT to digest the unexpected new normal
· Where we have to stay earthed (grounded) to navigate the new circumstances which are B-EARTHING us into the new era.
It is about contemplating living a life which is defined not by what is there, or not, but by the rightness of what is,.....and the richness with which this is experienced.
The 4 paintings in Story 1 suggest a table setting, with the plate and its content reminding one of a mandala*. Food has been replaced by a flower, nourishment of another kind. It is also expressive of the soul-searching with which we are facing the future. We seem to be in a state of PAUSE.
*mandala: a tool for focusing the mind to centre and balance oneself - usually a circular painting.
POR 29 x 29 x 4,5cm and unframed, oil on linen
If you are interested in a painting or want to leave a comment, please email me at edna@ednafouriegallery.co.za. I would love to hear from you.
Warm regards, Edna